You never know how hard it can be for a couple who is trying to have a baby, until you have walked in their shoes. This is my story of how hard is was.
Two years ago this October, I found out I was going to be a mommy again! Fan and I were both scared and nervous and excited all in one. We had these feelings because we did not know how we were going to handle a two year old and a baby, but we were going to make it work. We told everyone. I had made an appointment for our first doctors visit. I had taken another test just to be sure. Then a week later it happened. I had cramps like I have never had before. I was going to the bathroom frequently because I was bleeding. By the second day I was very concerned. I called my good friend who is a nurse and explained to her what was going on. She told me what could be happening and to call my doctors office. I did. I ended up going to the ER, waiting, crying until I was in a room with just Fan. Nurse and doctor came in. I was informed I was going through a miscarriage. I had suspected it, but really did not want to believe it. It was heart breaking.
To this day I still think about what could have been, but then I know God had other plans for that baby and was not ready to let it enter our world just yet.
Fast forward to the following September. Fan and I took an extra long bike ride with some friends down one of the prettiest roads in Oklahoma. On our way back home, we took a different route than we did getting there. We came up on a blind curve and ended up having a motorcycle accident. Nobody was seriously hurt or broken. I have my first and only scars to prove it. We rode back home. I had to ride with one of the other guys as my seat on Fan's bike was not stable for me to sit on. When we got back home. We jumped in the car and went to the ER to have us checked out just in case.
Shortly after the accident I found out I was pregnant again. We were excited! But because of the miscarriage and we still had people asking about the pregnancy, we wanted to wait to tell anyone about this one. Boy was it hard. Then the last week of September, I was back in the ER, crying, waiting, crying some more. Saw the doctor and nurse. Then had an ultrasound. That's when I knew I was going through another miscarriage. What was I doing wrong? Why couldn't my body hold on to these babies?
From that point I was determined to get my body in shape and in good health so that if I do get pregnant again I was going to hold onto that baby.
We went through the healing process. Waited. Tried again, but were having a hard time. Then we stopped trying and just enjoyed our time with Eli. We bought a boat and have enjoyed it last fall and this summer as much as we could.
In July, I found out I was pregnant again. I had been taking my prenatal vitamins. I called the doctors office made my appointments and also had them order a blood test to check my HCG levels. So far so good. We actually made it to the first doctor appointment with his PA and had my levels checked again. Still good so far. I had an ultrasound done at 8 weeks and heard the little but very fast heart beat.
I am now almost 11 weeks along and am so happy. I'm being careful, eating properly, taking vitamins. And go in for my second doctors visit next week. Eli is excited but not sure what to think yet.
I love my family and my life. It's been a long hard road but we are making it. I will soon have 2 March birthday's to celebrate and couldn't be happier.
Hugs and lovies,
Fan, Sara and Elijah
Our family will grow another 2 feet in March!
We hope you read the title correctly! If not here is another clue......Come Thanksgiving look out I'll be eating for two! Or Fan + Elijah + Me & belly = 4.
Did you get it now? Yes you are correct!! We are expecting baby #2 the middle of March! We are ecstatic. I hope you don't mind that we waited so long, but due to our 2 previous miscarriages we wanted to be sure this time.
The baby's head is on the left (looks like its squished) and the body is on the right.
Did you get it now? Yes you are correct!! We are expecting baby #2 the middle of March! We are ecstatic. I hope you don't mind that we waited so long, but due to our 2 previous miscarriages we wanted to be sure this time.

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