Well, much to my dismay I had to go back to work this week. I work for Erika Jones Appraisal Service. It is just me and her in the office, which if you know me I like to interact with more people, but oh well. I do what I gotta do for my family. There are pros and cons as in any job. Quietness, lonely at times, not much to do. Paid holidays, vacation, sick leave, holidays are when banks are closed (mostly). I don't like pumping, want to retire my pump, but still giving my baby the nourishment he needs for another 6 months. :)
Life is wonderful. Fan & I have talked over and over about me staying home and finally he told me to work like I use to, be happy and know that as Elijah gets older we will be able to afford the things he wants. As if he doesn't have grandparents that wont already do that. :)
Saturday, Oct 11th he started crawling. Hands and knees and then with his butt up in the air while on hands and feet. I will be posting a video of it on his photobucket so look for it. He says "da-da" and last night he crawled over to me because I was eating my dinner and he wanted some. So he pulled up to stand at the couch and he was grunting as if to say "I want some" and I kept repeating to him to say "ma-ma" and a few times he did say it. So of course I rewarded him with mashed potatoes (his fav.) He is into everything these days and if he cant get it he fights and cries for it. Lucky for him, I had ruined one of my cell phones and now he gets to play with it.
P.S. I lost all of my numbers, SO PLEASE send me your numbers so I can add you back into my phone.
I got Elijah's Halloween costume and can't wait to take him around trick or treating. He is going to be a monkey this year because he likes to climb on everything especially all over me and daddy. I'm trying to keep up with taking bunches of pictures of him, but when I so he always looks at me and comes towards the camera. Oh well. I am planning on taking pictures for Christmas.
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