My first year as a stay at home has had a lot...A LOT...of ripples, some hills, and a few dents (some of which as still being repaired). On many occasions I have thought that I am just not cut out to be a stay at home mom. Usually its when i have had a stressful few days or something have had enough of the crying and whining over toys and naps and food. Then other times I'm just like 'wow, I have more time with my kids'. I have time to do more with them and help them develop and grow. I honestly like the fact that after Fan has been out in location for a few days and he comes home during the week, I don't have to wait til I get off work to see him, I'm already at home.
Staying home has allowed me to work more on growing my photography business. I created a website, had my logo designed, put together my brand and packaging and been available to my clients when they wanted to do a session anytime.
I love my kids and I love my husband and I love my life. The only thing I would change if I had the power would be to win the lottery or I'll settle for having a little more money to pay things off. But until then I will just go with the flow and ride the waves over the hills, ripples and dents that come along.
Life's a Beach! Have fun while you can!
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