Survival of Night # 3

Well, I don't know if Elijah and accomplished anything or not. I did however sleep until 5:30 when my alarm went off. I had check the baby monitor to see if he was crying and didn’t hear anything, but as soon as I opened his door he started crying so I don’t know. And even though I had that much sleep, I am still so very tired at the office today. I did wake up one other time during the night and listened to the monitor and didn’t hear him crying so that was good to me. We will see how tonight goes and the rest of the week. I am hoping to get him trained in this sleeping through the night business before we go to Ohio so that he doesn’t wake everyone up in the middle of the night, just at 5:30 in the morning. And that is even ok because I some people who will get up to have coffee with the sunrise, or at least they use to. I can’t wait until we go to Ohio, Fan is not sure if he can make the whole trip up there if Elijah doesn’t sleep good, but I will be there and can calm him down.

Any how, I will let you know how Survival of Night # 4 goes.