Well it have been 5 months since Elijah was born. Can you believe how time has flown? I sure can't, my little baby is growing so fast and my time to be able to stay home with him is getting shorter. I am looking everyday for a way to stay home, the thing is I don't like selling things. I have thought about Medical Transcriptionist and am looking into it. I can do that and be a stay at home mom.
Back on Elijah, he is the sweetest baby in the world. He is loving, he is starting to know what lovies and kisses are. When I tell him to give me kisses he either opens his mouth and slobbers on my cheeks or he just opens his mouth for kisses. And lovies are hugs (if you didn't know). Wednesday the 7th I picked him up from my mother-in-laws and he was sitting in his excer-saucer they have. I played with him a little in it then stood up and reached down and asked him 'Up?' and he reached up, I picked him up and he gave me lovies and kisses with out me asking (Best Moment of the Day). Elijah is also starting to reach out to us. Someone was holding him church on Sunday and came to give him back and he was playing with me, he kept shying away, hiding on that person's shoulder. He is able to easily roll over tummy to back with no problems. He just learned (as of Aug 13) how to roll from is back to his tummy. He likes to walk with support. The bath tub we have for him is one with a sling for babies and then you can take it out and have them sit, well last we took out the sling part and he is now sitting in his tub. He likes to go for his little blue ducky. He likes to talk a lot when he is lying on the bathroom carpet. Fan & I can get him to laugh more with less hiccups. Not to long ago Fan & I took him to see 'Wall-E' and he sat through the whole movie. When it comes out on DVD, I want it. So after the movie and on our way home and even in Wal-Mart the other day I would say "Waaallll-Eeee, Eeeevvvvvaaaaa" (with voice going up high and then down, Ill try to record it one day) and he just laughs so much. He loves to take everything to his mouth.
I do love to take pictures of my baby (as you can tell). I found a website called Picaboo.com. You can download their free software and make your own photo books. I also found a coupon for a free medium book (only 20 pages then you have to buy additional pages) and you pay shipping $8, so I used that too. The first one I created was of my pregnancy and the day he was born. The next one I am thinking about making is from 1 to 6 months. But I found another website that I can make a book up to 40 pages and then have to start buying pages after that. So when I make this next book and will use that site instead of Picaboo, but hey I got a free book. :) The last page I used for my story.
So much has happened since I last reported to you. Elijah is teething and so he not sleeping through the night. oh well. I have been able to get him back on a little schedule with fewer wake ups at night. Fan & I are the parents who have a problem with letting our baby cry himself to sleep. You see Elijah has always slept on his tummy, so when he rolls over at night sleeping or not he cries. I have only been successful once in getting him to cry to sleep. We do it by letting him cry 5 minutes, then go comfort, then let him cry 10 minutes and comfort and just keep going up 5 minutes every time. Well, when rolls over he only gets louder with his crying. So I just end up rocking him to sleep, no big deal for me. And sometimes, especially on weekends, I will just take him to bed with me when it is really early in the morning.
The first part of September Fan, Eli & I, my mom and dad are going to Ohio. It is my cousin's wedding. It has been at least 3-4 years since I have been there. I miss it there and love it. The town we go to is small enough to walk where you need to. When I get there I will probably walk to the Ice Cream Depot (best ice cream ever). So I will have tons of pictures.
Also, if I can find course online, I am looking into becoming a Registered Dietitian and then taking courses to become a Lactation Consultant (to work at a hospital) or just taking the courses to become a Lactation Consultant for private practice. For those who know me, know that I have always wanted to be in the Health Care field and this is one way for me to do that. I figure that I can find courses online and take them slowly while I stay at home with Elijah.
Another thing, Fan is going to apply for the Oklahoma Highway Patrol. So pray that he makes it in. I really want him to be able to do something that he wants to do.
I hope you all pray that I can soon become a stay at mom before its too late and then be able to pursue the Registered Dietitian and Lactation Consultant.
Talk you soon,
With love
P.S. Did I mention I love being a mom.
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