
So, I had a thought the other day...."Maybe I should update Eli's blog and let everyone know whats been happening." Well, then this morning I discovered my cousin, who is fixing to have a little girl in a few months, now has a blog. I read through all of it. So I logged into this account so that I could post a comment on her lastest blog. After I was done with that I came in to see when I last updated....and oh my cow! It's been since MARCH!!! Geez I feel so bad.....so much has happened and well, now I have ALOT of catching up to do. So here goes and I will "try" to make this as short as possibble, but not forget the important parts.

Since March, Eli has a bigger vocabulary than I could ever think a 2 year old could have. He never ceases to amaze me with the things he just out of no where says. For instance, one day just last week he was playing games on my iPhone and I was going to try to help him with something (it was a new game to him) and all of a sudden he puts up his hand and says "no mommy, I got this" and I was just in shock. Oh and yes, he knows how to work my phone really well.....I think because its a touch screen it really helps.

He starting to learn his numbers...he can count to 12 with little help....and hes slowly learning his ABC's. Colors on the other hand he still having a problem with. But believe me, he knows all his vehicles! He also know his animals. I have noticed that if he is interested in it, then he learns fast, but if not then theres no chance he's going to want to learn soon. haha.

I think he may grow up with some awesome cooking skills. Since he was a baby I held him while I cooked, then when he was able to sit on his own I would sit him on the counter beside me and let him watch. Now he will sit there and help me, whether it is pouring or if I cut up some fresh veggies to freeze, he'll put them in the bags. He also helps Ingrid, my mother in law, from time to time or atleast is always in the kitchen. haha.

Over the summer he has finally learned how to steer his power cars (Ford and tractor)....so now he drives all over the yard and at Robby and Ingrid's he drives all over the property. He is still a little too short for his peddle bikes but none the less he pushes with his feet. He loves to play with his tool set he got from Nana for his birthday.....and not to mention any other toy he finds. He is starting to read more books, but read as in a since as to tell you what the pictures are such and make up his own story.

He is liking the water more and more. We went to the lake with some friends who have a 3 year old and Eli would jump in and Fan would put him back on the boat and Eli would jump in again. The boat had a deck type area. Eli also, if he gets to, likes to stand under the shower and let the water run over his head...too cute.

This 4th of July, we went to see the fireworks and he just loved them. Had to say something about each one of them...like pretty, or oooo or aaahhhh. It was definately fun. It has definately been a fun summer so far. Now the heat has really gotten here though we dont get to play out side for very long.

I think thats about all I can think of for Eli. So here is how the other two of us are doing.

Fan - is still at Dolese. Since this horrible past winter and then most all of spring and half the summer it rained....work has finally picked up because of the heat. Unofrtunately, in June we found out both his Grandpa (in Holland) and his Grandma (in Suriname) were in the hospital. His Grandpa was having problems with his kidneys and other things. And his Grandma was diagnosed with Leukemia, which was already in her blood. Well, early July his Grandpa passed away and unfortunately Fan nor his dad could make it to Holland for the funeral :( His Grandma, however, was released from the hospital as she was feeling better. Then, the first of August she went back into the hospital and a few days later she passed away, Wednesday. Fan took it REALLY hard as his Grandma was the one who watched him and helped raise him. So from Wednesday (Aug. 4th) to this past Sunday really flew by as we did the necessary proceedures to get Fan a passport right away and then plane tickets. Sunday he was on a plane bound for Suriname, to make it to the funeral on Tuesday. Other than that he is doing well.

Sara (me) - I am still working for the machinery shop that I started with in September 09. I, also, am still selling Scentsy and it is growing for me in the sense of having more customers. Earlier this summer I had Fan build me a box so that I could make a box garden. Well it has turned out nicely. I put 2 "patio" tomatoes and 3 strawberry plants in it with marigolds in between all of them. While Fan is in Suriname, Eli and I are surviving. I have planned out this week to try to really deep clean the house and garage and has a garage sale by Saturday. haha.

All is well with our family. I am going to try to make a mental note to update this more often so that it doesnt get to being too long. Until next time....
Hugs & Kisses, Fan, Sara and Eli