Week 1 down

Well, week 1 is down. It was a big week!! Sunday we came home, wow that was a bigger chore than I thought it would be. We had more stuff than you would think. My mom stayed with us overnight until Thursday. Thursday Elijah was still looking jaundice and so I called his doctor and had to go in to have is blood drawn to check his bilirubin level and well is was slightly higher than his weight limit, so we had to have a medical service company leave us a home bili light bed (basically a suit case with lights). Then Friday is was back to the doctor again for more blood to be taken and his level went up slightly more and he had to stay in the bed another night. Saturday, since the clinic was closed we had to go to the hospital and have them check his blood and page the doctor with the results and aaaaawwwww *sigh of relief* his bili level was way down, but still up there. No more light bed.

He wakes up about 2 times a night to feed and be changed. WOW I know. Not to be conceeded (spelling??) but man my boy is sssssoooooo cute. I can’t stop looking at him and kissing him. Whats funny is that he cries more for his diaper being wet or dirty than he does getting stuck with a needle. Being a parent has changed our lives so much. Our bed is now around 10 or 11 where as it used to be some where between 12 and 2.

Well thats it for now. Love you